IMB Circle is committed is to build a large network of Marriage bureaus providing matrimony services that are working on individual basis across India. Nowadays, the profile data of marriage aspirants are spread among large number of marriage bureaus and chances of their matching is low. IMBCIRCLE seeks to work as a coordination center to boost harmonization among these marriage bureaus and so enhancing the chances of matching of profiles of marriage aspirants registered on marriage bureaus.
It is said that marriages are made in heaven but solemnized on earth. In India, normally entire extended family is involved in matchmaking process. The match-making process in this country is significantly intricate, based on several aspects like religion, caste, job status, economic standard, height, age, family background, etc. Arranged marriages are still prevalent in India, relying more on choosing a life partner based particularly on these aspects. As such, marriage bureaus have always been popular in choosing the right life partner. Marriage bureaus play a very important role in the process of matching based of aforesaid criteria and so peoples often approach to
marriage bureaus in their localities to find a suitable match for their children. In India, there are number of Marriage bureaus working across all localities in India. The problem with these marriage bureaus is that they are working on individual basis and try to make a match from limited number of profiles available with them. As every bureau/center has some limited number of profiles, finding a suitable match out of them is very difficult. Due to limited number of profiles available with these bureaus only few peoples are successful in finding suitable match and remaining people normally feel unsatisfied with the services of marriage bureaus.
We through our services, seek to develop a network of marriage bureaus presently scattered in different localities and areas and bring them on a single platform. Through the power network and technology of internet, we seek to bind all these marriage bureaus in a single network. In this way, a huge network will be formed and all the profiles available with any of the bureaus will be available to each and every bureau for matchmaking. Through this network, peoples will be able to reach any of the profiles available with any member bureau located in any corner of India.